Taken from Public Safety Communications, an APCO International Publication, December 18, 2013
Written by Cindra Dunaway, 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Lee County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office. Contact her via email at cdunaway@sheriffleefl.org
I've wanted to write about the turnover in comm centers for a long time. No matter where you go across the country, one of the biggest complaints you'll hear is how hard it is to keep competent people in the call center. The reason I've stayed away from the subject for as long as I have is that I honestly didn't think that I could offer a workable solution -- the holy grail of communications.
Our center offers a cash incentive to communications personnel as long as they continue to work in the center. They also ask that you sign a two-year commitment to the center so that you're unable to transfer out to another division during that timeframe. This serves to dissuade people from using communications as a stepping stone for a career at the department. However, commitments and incentives don't seem to make a difference to a lot of people.
In fact, my center has been going through a mass exodus for the last several months. It seems like this is a trend that is occurring in centers across the country. This got me wondering, why? Why is everyone leaving? What, if anything, can be done to help minimize the turnover? Does everyone offer exit interviews at their department? If you do, do you encourage people to be honest and use the results to improve your division? Many times I've heard people asked whether they spoke honestly in an exit interview, and many times I've heard them reply that they didn't feel that it would make a difference. It was just easier to say "Thanks for the opportunity," and move on.
Recently our traffic division sent a letter to our director that thanked the staff for our patience with all of their traffic ops (which they do one once a week). They acknowledged the amount of extra radio traffic that goes into our already busy days and wanted to recognize our professionalism and say "thank you!" Just a small gesture, but recognition like that from a peer can go a long way.
I tell you that anecdote in order to ask you this: Do you appreciate your employees? Do you spend time in your center getting to know your folks? I have written about getting along and supporting each other, as well as gossip, bullying in the workplace and supervisors getting to know their subordinates. And I started to realize that maybe the answer could lie in one, if not all, of these articles.
In all of the people I've trained in my 20 years, I've only had one tell me that the responsibility of calltaking and dispatching was too overwhelming for her. So managers ask yourself, what's the percentage of people leaving to pursue another career, relocate or retire?
Why are people leaving? I've heard some say it's the shift work, but I have to wonder how true that is when they knew about the hours from the get-go. Instead, it has to be a combination of things and it's just easier for them to say it's the hours.
Sure, the hours can be hard on the body and family life, but if they were the one thing that was an issue and you loved everything else about your career, would you still leave? I assume that most people wouldn't. Instead, I think that deep down people want to feel valued. They want to know what they do makes a difference, especially in our line of work, where being financially compensated is low on the list of "Why I work in public safety" for most people.
So I'd like to ask you: How do you take care of your employees? Do you know them? Do you let them shine? Do you praise them as well as discipline them? Are you there for the bad calls, ready to lift them up, shake their hands, or pat them on the back? Do you remember them when they're working holidays while you're home with your family?
A lot of us old-timers came from a time when the thought was that you had to sink or swim; I like to refer to that time period as the school of hard knocks. But times are changing. Our careers are so specialized that you can't just throw anyone in our chairs anymore. The length of time it takes these days to develop a well-trained and accomplished 9-1-1 professional goes far beyond showing them where the phone and radios are.
So how do we keep these valuable team members in the center? Show them you care about them and let them know how important their job is. The more you're involved in what's going on in your center, the less likely you'll be blindsided when someone turns in their letter of resignation.
As one of my favorite supervisors used to say, "Perception is everything." And if the perception is that administration doesn't care or understand them then it becomes more difficult to retain an employee. Look at it as investing in your team -- those few extra minutes of your time will be worth it. You can also look at it this way: If you have happy and loyal employees then they will do their jobs well, and a job well done reflects positively on you and your center. Then hopefully you'll have a roomful of seasoned veterans that you can be proud of.
The 911 Dispatcher is the first "First Responder." The dispatcher is the vital link, ensuring clear communication between all responders, affecting the safety of both the citizen in need and the police, fire and emergency medical personnel responding. Through our actions, we help save lives, protect property, and assist the public in their time of need. In this blog, I will share articles and other things of interest that may help dispatchers do their job more efficiently.

9-1-1; What Is Your Emergency?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Coordinating Crisis Communications: SWAT & Tactical Dispatching
Taken from Public Safety Communications Magazine, December 2013
Written by Christine Massengale, training and quality assurance specialist at Hamilton County 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District in Chattanooga, Ten. Contact her at burke_c@hc911.org
The number one duty of an emergency telecommunicator is to protect the public safety at any cost, and this responsibility is never more crucial than during periods of heightened response: active-shooter or hostage incidents, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, even planned events that occur on a large scale. The heroic actions of police and firefighters grab headlines, and behind every one of them is a telecommunicator who makes sure that information gets to where it is needed most.
This article examines the roles and responsibilities of dispatchers for Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) or tactical incidents in both main center operations and field-deployment situations. It also looks at the benefits and challenges of forming a specialized SWAT or tactical dispatch team based on agency size and the levels of response and training required by the field responders supported by the agency.
There are a number of training and response options, including mutual aid and regional response teams, for smaller agencies with low call frequency. Any agency might someday face a high-risk, large-scale incident, and such an incident could overwhelm the agency's available resources if it is caught unprepared.
How do a telecommunicator's daily roles and responsibilities differ from the response needed to properly manage crisis incidents or even planned large-scale events such as parades or conventions?
In the broadest strokes, a telecommunicator's essential duty is to gather information in order to better prioritize, allocate and manage resources. It is then the telecommunicator's responsibility to document that activity. A dispatcher for SWAT or tactical forces performs those same tasks, only with greater nuance and in close coordination with the incident commander or SWAT team leader.
Some responsibilities, such as allocating and managing resources, may rest more heavily with the on-scene commander, while documenting and tracking resources may become a heightened priority for the dispatcher. A tactical dispatcher deployed to the field has even greater responsibility, as he or she will often become an indispensable resource for the incident commander and a critical point of contact between the command post and the comm center.
SWAT teams provide a specially trained law enforcement response to incidents and events outside the normal scope of daily patrol operations. Beyond the high-profile incidents such as barricaded gunmen, hostage situations, high-risk warrant service and riot control, SWAT also provides dignitary protection details, security planning and response to large-scale planned events, and specialized patrol functions such as directed patrol, crime suppression and even search and rescue.
The application, selection and training process for SWAT teams is rigorous, and typically requires additional training in first aid, explosives, K-9 handling, urban search and rescue, sharp shooting and other skills. Depending on location and agency size, different skillsets are parsed out among different divisions or even entire agencies, meaning there are a variety of specialists, and no one person is expert in everything.
A dedicated SWAT team is an expensive luxury that requires vast resources. Many agencies in rural and suburban areas are unable to justify the cost of compiling and maintaining such a team. Often, smaller agencies rely solely on their patrol officers to respond to exceptional incidents. Those patrol officers must prepare and train to ramp up response during times of crisis, even if it is a once-in-a-career situation.
Whether crisis incidents are handled by dedicated SWAT teams or trained patrol officers, they all have one thing in common: a telecommunicator is always involved. Thus, it only makes sense to include communications in any specialized training and response planning.
What is the difference between SWAT dispatching and tactical dispatching?
On the surface, the difference seems obvious -- SWAT dispatch indicates assignment to handling a SWAT call, and tactical dispatch is all other heightened situations, right? Yes and no.
No national standard exists to define a dispatcher or telecommunicator, and similarly there is no single definition for a SWAT or tactical dispatcher. In the absence of a standard to define the training, selection process and credentials necessary, each agency is left to tailor its response to meet the specific needs of the area it serves.
Generally speaking, a SWAT dispatcher is specially trained to handle the needs of a SWAT-level law enforcement response, but a tactical dispatcher is trained to handle a variety of specialized responses to a variety of situations, including but not limited to SWAT calls. These requests might be for high-profile or prolonged law enforcement cases, search and rescue, large fires and planned events.
We know that not every agency has the luxury of -- or need for -- a SWAT team, so it is not likely that every agency will have a specifically trained SWAT or tactical dispatch team. However, any law enforcement officer may find him or herself responding to a situation that requires a SWAT-level response, just as any telecommunicator may find him or herself providing SWAT or tactical-level dispatching, without the benefits of specific training, selection or credentials. This means the response must be handled as well as possible, whether or not the employee is equipped and trained to deal with it.
The more advanced and better-trained team is not always the most readily available option anyway. Incidents unfold rapidly, so sometimes a response team isn't assembled until after casualties are amassed. This unfortunate fact was never more evident than after the 1999 school shooting in Columbine, Colo. Responding law enforcement agencies were criticized for setting up a perimeter and relying on SWAT response rather than a rapid entry team. The best option is often the most immediately available option -- the one that stops the threat first.
Columbine highlighted the need for more advanced training and different tactics at the patrol level for incidents such as an active-shooter response. That shooting also highlighted the fact that these events don't always happen when the most highly trained and experienced personnel -- including the telecommunicators -- are ready and in position. This does not mean every patrol officer should be trained to the same level as a SWAT officer, it simply means that every patrol officer should be better prepared to deal with the initial response to extraordinary incidents and events. It also means that communications agencies must consider the level of training they provide to line-level telecommunicators, as they are the first response to such incidents.
Whether or not they have formal tactical dispatch teams, agencies should consider providing all telecommunicators with some formal training to respond to exceptional incidents and events. Almost every telecommunicator has filled the role of a tactical dispatcher at one time or another -- from natural disasters to man-made incidents and planned events, any telecommunicator who has worked through localized flooding or storm damage, a multiple-alarm fire or a structure collapse, a parade or county fair has responded to some of the challenges and demands that a tactical dispatcher faces. Whether handling calls for a specific discipline (police, fire or EMS) or across all disciplines, each calltaker and dispatcher will experience something extraordinary given enough time.
It's not a matter of if a large-scale incident will occur, but when, and knowing this can help agency administrators determine how to prepare telecommunicators to best respond based on agency size, call load and needs of the service area. For some, a dedicated team of SWAT or tactical dispatchers is the best answer. Others will decide to provide a higher level of response training to all telecommunicators. To draw from the old military adage, two is one, and one is none -- if you don't have enough members to form a true team that can respond when needed, then you don't have a team.
What makes being on a SWAT or tactical dispatch team different from simply handling incidents and events with standard protocol as they happen?
As a member of a specialized team, the required skills and competence levels are structured and evaluated. Response isn't based on the line-level employee's ability to react as each incident is encountered. Proactive, formal training gives employees the confidence and competence to take their response to a higher level. Just as a police officer works the street before becoming a member of the SWAT team, and must be a member of the SWAT team before becoming a sniper, skill levels for the telecommunicator are similarly built. Being involved in a shoot-out does not qualify an officer to then be the sniper on the SWAT team any more than handling a shoot-out as a telecommunicator then makes them a SWAT/tactical dispatch team member.
The agency must decide on team selection criteria -- measurements of experience and skills -- such as tenure and written or oral testing. Some agencies require that dispatchers participate in physical agility testing and tactical-level training with local law enforcement.
Preparing employees to properly respond, and deciding what level of response to provide, is ultimately the agency's responsibility, as is training and coordination with field responders. The first step is for agency management to decide if and how a team is formed; the second step is to decide how and where that team is to respond. If the team is required to respond to incidents on-scene, then the third step is to train and equip them for the specific challenges associated with field deployment. They must train the way they are expected to work, so they will work the way they have been trained.
Mike Williams, retired deputy chief of the Chattanooga Police Department, says the training process must not take place in a vacuum.
"Just like any other team effort, all parts of the organization should train with the other respective parts of the entity in a realistic, real-time training environment to simulate an actual operation," Williams says. "It makes no sense to expect people to work hand-in-glove during a crisis when they have never trained together prior to the event."
There are three basic tiers of response in telecommunications, and the level of response typically depends on the size of the agency. The first tier of response is handling the incident at the primary console on the primary talkgroup for the response agency. This is the most likely level of response that a one or two-person console agency can reasonably provide.
The second tier of response moves the incident to a secondary channel or talkgroup, and assigns another telecommunicator to handle the incident as his or her primary duty. There may be protocol in place to consciously assign a more experienced telecommunicator to the incident, but this could present some challenges with other employees feeling usurped of their duty or deprived of valuable experience.
The third tier of response is most applicable to larger agencies and requires a formally designated or pre-determined response team based on regional or mutual-aid agreements (especially for smaller agencies that work well together). This level of response involves sending a telecommunicator into the field to coordinate face-to-face with the incident commander at a command post. It may also include assignment to an emergency operations center (EOC) or liaison position.
The level of response an agency can provide depends not only on agency size, but also on call load and personnel. Even the smallest agency may determine that it can send personnel into the field if call-out situations are very infrequent -- it is simply a matter of logistics in availability, scheduling and back-filling positions.
Smaller agencies may be able to coordinate a regional response team within their county or surrounding counties. This is often the backbone for creating a regional response team available for telecommunicator emergency response taskforce (TERT) deployments. However, this type of coordination must be supported with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and regular training to determine call-out procedures and procurement and allocation of supplies in order to ensure success.
Williams notes that there are benefits in deploying a telecommunicator into the field to coordinate with a SWAT commander. "It frees up tactical operators or negotiators to do what they are trained to do," he says. "The dispatchers are professionals at what they do and want to do it. As a result, they do a much better job at running the communications than someone who is not trained to do it and does not want to do it."
Other benefits of field deployment include the ability to communicate and log activity that is not taking place over a radio. Many tactics and team assignments are discussed face-to-face, so incident logging can be incomplete if only information that is conveyed over the radio to the comm center is recorded. A dispatcher working at the command post can assist in diagramming the scene and team member positions, and physically tracking resources, such as collecting car keys or accountability tags as responders check in.
The tactical dispatcher is the greatest source of intelligence and information -- even before deploying to the scene -- because they have information from the very beginning of the incident, and because they also have access to background information such as criminal history, computer aided dispatch (CAD) records, fusion centers, records management systems (RMS) files, maps and contact numbers. A trained tactical dispatcher should feel comfortable assisting with planning and strategy, sharing information about available resources and logistics, communicating with outside agencies or support personnel and properly addressing safety issues as they arise.
The way to determine the specific role and responsibilities of an on-scene dispatcher is through policy, procedure and training -- not during an incident.
An issue that often arises during the process of building and training a deployable dispatch team is managing expectations across client agencies. The field responders must be aware of the level of response they can expect at all times -- whether it is knowing they will only have a talkgroup and a dedicated telecommunicator assigned to work the incident from the comm center, or knowing that a tactical dispatcher automatically deploys into the field with them. If the dispatch team has set response criteria, then the team must be available to fulfill that obligation. If a tactical dispatcher is unavailable for some reason, field responders must be made aware so that proper resources can be allocated in the field to handle duties that would otherwise be delegated to the dispatcher.
Other concerns associated with field deployment include various risk management issues. Criteria must be set to determine if employees are "field-deployable." This could include prerequisites such as a medical release or physical fitness test to ensure field dispatchers are healthy enough to perform the necessary tasks. When operating from a comm center, the employee may not be required to wear a uniform, but in the field, they must dress and act professionally when responding to the command post. This also means equipping the employee with the necessary tools to do the job -- everything from portable radios to command boards or laptops, cellphones, air cards, go-bag, etc. There are certain costs associated with field deployment, and the agency must evaluate and assess their ability to meet these costs before sending employees into the field ill-equipped or ill-prepared.
There are numerous training challenges for both small and large agencies. Smaller agencies experience high-risk incidents with very low frequency. Larger agencies must be wary of complacency as they deal with similar incidents and events on a more frequent basis. Keeping employees' skills fresh when they are only able to practice rather than apply the skills in real settings can be a challenge. No one wants to practice and learn skills they feel will never be used. In these situations, visualization and "what-if" discussions can keep employees engaged, especially by looking at current news stories and case studies that mirror a similar operational setting. After-action reviews of incidents are a must for every agency, and every member should bring suggestions to the table for making improvements. Most importantly, there should be an implementation plan in place for any improvements or suggestions after the review.
Unexpected incidents, and even large-scale planned events, tend to draw an extraordinary public safety presence. The overall response to Columbine included more than 600 police, fire and EMS personnel from 35 different local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and 11 fire and EMS agencies. Whether the incident is a natural disaster, active-shooter situation or planned event, there will be challenges regarding interoperability, staging, logistics and personnel management. National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) concepts should be incorporated in every agency's training and response plans. Much of NIMS and ICS training is online and free -- it should not be overlooked as a valuable resource to help ensure that as a profession, we are moving toward standardizing our response.
Two key questions based on basic ICS principles will help even the greenest telecommunicator maintain some semblance of order during the initial response phase of an expanding incident: "Who is in command?" and "Where is the command post?" If the telecommunicator demonstrates a firm understanding of incident management in the earliest stages of the response, it will help the first responders focus on managing the incident and prioritizing response.
Written by Christine Massengale, training and quality assurance specialist at Hamilton County 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District in Chattanooga, Ten. Contact her at burke_c@hc911.org
The number one duty of an emergency telecommunicator is to protect the public safety at any cost, and this responsibility is never more crucial than during periods of heightened response: active-shooter or hostage incidents, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, even planned events that occur on a large scale. The heroic actions of police and firefighters grab headlines, and behind every one of them is a telecommunicator who makes sure that information gets to where it is needed most.
This article examines the roles and responsibilities of dispatchers for Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) or tactical incidents in both main center operations and field-deployment situations. It also looks at the benefits and challenges of forming a specialized SWAT or tactical dispatch team based on agency size and the levels of response and training required by the field responders supported by the agency.
There are a number of training and response options, including mutual aid and regional response teams, for smaller agencies with low call frequency. Any agency might someday face a high-risk, large-scale incident, and such an incident could overwhelm the agency's available resources if it is caught unprepared.
How do a telecommunicator's daily roles and responsibilities differ from the response needed to properly manage crisis incidents or even planned large-scale events such as parades or conventions?
In the broadest strokes, a telecommunicator's essential duty is to gather information in order to better prioritize, allocate and manage resources. It is then the telecommunicator's responsibility to document that activity. A dispatcher for SWAT or tactical forces performs those same tasks, only with greater nuance and in close coordination with the incident commander or SWAT team leader.
Some responsibilities, such as allocating and managing resources, may rest more heavily with the on-scene commander, while documenting and tracking resources may become a heightened priority for the dispatcher. A tactical dispatcher deployed to the field has even greater responsibility, as he or she will often become an indispensable resource for the incident commander and a critical point of contact between the command post and the comm center.
SWAT teams provide a specially trained law enforcement response to incidents and events outside the normal scope of daily patrol operations. Beyond the high-profile incidents such as barricaded gunmen, hostage situations, high-risk warrant service and riot control, SWAT also provides dignitary protection details, security planning and response to large-scale planned events, and specialized patrol functions such as directed patrol, crime suppression and even search and rescue.
The application, selection and training process for SWAT teams is rigorous, and typically requires additional training in first aid, explosives, K-9 handling, urban search and rescue, sharp shooting and other skills. Depending on location and agency size, different skillsets are parsed out among different divisions or even entire agencies, meaning there are a variety of specialists, and no one person is expert in everything.
A dedicated SWAT team is an expensive luxury that requires vast resources. Many agencies in rural and suburban areas are unable to justify the cost of compiling and maintaining such a team. Often, smaller agencies rely solely on their patrol officers to respond to exceptional incidents. Those patrol officers must prepare and train to ramp up response during times of crisis, even if it is a once-in-a-career situation.
Whether crisis incidents are handled by dedicated SWAT teams or trained patrol officers, they all have one thing in common: a telecommunicator is always involved. Thus, it only makes sense to include communications in any specialized training and response planning.
What is the difference between SWAT dispatching and tactical dispatching?
On the surface, the difference seems obvious -- SWAT dispatch indicates assignment to handling a SWAT call, and tactical dispatch is all other heightened situations, right? Yes and no.
No national standard exists to define a dispatcher or telecommunicator, and similarly there is no single definition for a SWAT or tactical dispatcher. In the absence of a standard to define the training, selection process and credentials necessary, each agency is left to tailor its response to meet the specific needs of the area it serves.
Generally speaking, a SWAT dispatcher is specially trained to handle the needs of a SWAT-level law enforcement response, but a tactical dispatcher is trained to handle a variety of specialized responses to a variety of situations, including but not limited to SWAT calls. These requests might be for high-profile or prolonged law enforcement cases, search and rescue, large fires and planned events.
We know that not every agency has the luxury of -- or need for -- a SWAT team, so it is not likely that every agency will have a specifically trained SWAT or tactical dispatch team. However, any law enforcement officer may find him or herself responding to a situation that requires a SWAT-level response, just as any telecommunicator may find him or herself providing SWAT or tactical-level dispatching, without the benefits of specific training, selection or credentials. This means the response must be handled as well as possible, whether or not the employee is equipped and trained to deal with it.
The more advanced and better-trained team is not always the most readily available option anyway. Incidents unfold rapidly, so sometimes a response team isn't assembled until after casualties are amassed. This unfortunate fact was never more evident than after the 1999 school shooting in Columbine, Colo. Responding law enforcement agencies were criticized for setting up a perimeter and relying on SWAT response rather than a rapid entry team. The best option is often the most immediately available option -- the one that stops the threat first.
Columbine highlighted the need for more advanced training and different tactics at the patrol level for incidents such as an active-shooter response. That shooting also highlighted the fact that these events don't always happen when the most highly trained and experienced personnel -- including the telecommunicators -- are ready and in position. This does not mean every patrol officer should be trained to the same level as a SWAT officer, it simply means that every patrol officer should be better prepared to deal with the initial response to extraordinary incidents and events. It also means that communications agencies must consider the level of training they provide to line-level telecommunicators, as they are the first response to such incidents.
Whether or not they have formal tactical dispatch teams, agencies should consider providing all telecommunicators with some formal training to respond to exceptional incidents and events. Almost every telecommunicator has filled the role of a tactical dispatcher at one time or another -- from natural disasters to man-made incidents and planned events, any telecommunicator who has worked through localized flooding or storm damage, a multiple-alarm fire or a structure collapse, a parade or county fair has responded to some of the challenges and demands that a tactical dispatcher faces. Whether handling calls for a specific discipline (police, fire or EMS) or across all disciplines, each calltaker and dispatcher will experience something extraordinary given enough time.
It's not a matter of if a large-scale incident will occur, but when, and knowing this can help agency administrators determine how to prepare telecommunicators to best respond based on agency size, call load and needs of the service area. For some, a dedicated team of SWAT or tactical dispatchers is the best answer. Others will decide to provide a higher level of response training to all telecommunicators. To draw from the old military adage, two is one, and one is none -- if you don't have enough members to form a true team that can respond when needed, then you don't have a team.
What makes being on a SWAT or tactical dispatch team different from simply handling incidents and events with standard protocol as they happen?
As a member of a specialized team, the required skills and competence levels are structured and evaluated. Response isn't based on the line-level employee's ability to react as each incident is encountered. Proactive, formal training gives employees the confidence and competence to take their response to a higher level. Just as a police officer works the street before becoming a member of the SWAT team, and must be a member of the SWAT team before becoming a sniper, skill levels for the telecommunicator are similarly built. Being involved in a shoot-out does not qualify an officer to then be the sniper on the SWAT team any more than handling a shoot-out as a telecommunicator then makes them a SWAT/tactical dispatch team member.
The agency must decide on team selection criteria -- measurements of experience and skills -- such as tenure and written or oral testing. Some agencies require that dispatchers participate in physical agility testing and tactical-level training with local law enforcement.
Preparing employees to properly respond, and deciding what level of response to provide, is ultimately the agency's responsibility, as is training and coordination with field responders. The first step is for agency management to decide if and how a team is formed; the second step is to decide how and where that team is to respond. If the team is required to respond to incidents on-scene, then the third step is to train and equip them for the specific challenges associated with field deployment. They must train the way they are expected to work, so they will work the way they have been trained.
Mike Williams, retired deputy chief of the Chattanooga Police Department, says the training process must not take place in a vacuum.
"Just like any other team effort, all parts of the organization should train with the other respective parts of the entity in a realistic, real-time training environment to simulate an actual operation," Williams says. "It makes no sense to expect people to work hand-in-glove during a crisis when they have never trained together prior to the event."
There are three basic tiers of response in telecommunications, and the level of response typically depends on the size of the agency. The first tier of response is handling the incident at the primary console on the primary talkgroup for the response agency. This is the most likely level of response that a one or two-person console agency can reasonably provide.
The second tier of response moves the incident to a secondary channel or talkgroup, and assigns another telecommunicator to handle the incident as his or her primary duty. There may be protocol in place to consciously assign a more experienced telecommunicator to the incident, but this could present some challenges with other employees feeling usurped of their duty or deprived of valuable experience.
The third tier of response is most applicable to larger agencies and requires a formally designated or pre-determined response team based on regional or mutual-aid agreements (especially for smaller agencies that work well together). This level of response involves sending a telecommunicator into the field to coordinate face-to-face with the incident commander at a command post. It may also include assignment to an emergency operations center (EOC) or liaison position.
The level of response an agency can provide depends not only on agency size, but also on call load and personnel. Even the smallest agency may determine that it can send personnel into the field if call-out situations are very infrequent -- it is simply a matter of logistics in availability, scheduling and back-filling positions.
Smaller agencies may be able to coordinate a regional response team within their county or surrounding counties. This is often the backbone for creating a regional response team available for telecommunicator emergency response taskforce (TERT) deployments. However, this type of coordination must be supported with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and regular training to determine call-out procedures and procurement and allocation of supplies in order to ensure success.
Williams notes that there are benefits in deploying a telecommunicator into the field to coordinate with a SWAT commander. "It frees up tactical operators or negotiators to do what they are trained to do," he says. "The dispatchers are professionals at what they do and want to do it. As a result, they do a much better job at running the communications than someone who is not trained to do it and does not want to do it."
Other benefits of field deployment include the ability to communicate and log activity that is not taking place over a radio. Many tactics and team assignments are discussed face-to-face, so incident logging can be incomplete if only information that is conveyed over the radio to the comm center is recorded. A dispatcher working at the command post can assist in diagramming the scene and team member positions, and physically tracking resources, such as collecting car keys or accountability tags as responders check in.
The tactical dispatcher is the greatest source of intelligence and information -- even before deploying to the scene -- because they have information from the very beginning of the incident, and because they also have access to background information such as criminal history, computer aided dispatch (CAD) records, fusion centers, records management systems (RMS) files, maps and contact numbers. A trained tactical dispatcher should feel comfortable assisting with planning and strategy, sharing information about available resources and logistics, communicating with outside agencies or support personnel and properly addressing safety issues as they arise.
The way to determine the specific role and responsibilities of an on-scene dispatcher is through policy, procedure and training -- not during an incident.
An issue that often arises during the process of building and training a deployable dispatch team is managing expectations across client agencies. The field responders must be aware of the level of response they can expect at all times -- whether it is knowing they will only have a talkgroup and a dedicated telecommunicator assigned to work the incident from the comm center, or knowing that a tactical dispatcher automatically deploys into the field with them. If the dispatch team has set response criteria, then the team must be available to fulfill that obligation. If a tactical dispatcher is unavailable for some reason, field responders must be made aware so that proper resources can be allocated in the field to handle duties that would otherwise be delegated to the dispatcher.
Other concerns associated with field deployment include various risk management issues. Criteria must be set to determine if employees are "field-deployable." This could include prerequisites such as a medical release or physical fitness test to ensure field dispatchers are healthy enough to perform the necessary tasks. When operating from a comm center, the employee may not be required to wear a uniform, but in the field, they must dress and act professionally when responding to the command post. This also means equipping the employee with the necessary tools to do the job -- everything from portable radios to command boards or laptops, cellphones, air cards, go-bag, etc. There are certain costs associated with field deployment, and the agency must evaluate and assess their ability to meet these costs before sending employees into the field ill-equipped or ill-prepared.
There are numerous training challenges for both small and large agencies. Smaller agencies experience high-risk incidents with very low frequency. Larger agencies must be wary of complacency as they deal with similar incidents and events on a more frequent basis. Keeping employees' skills fresh when they are only able to practice rather than apply the skills in real settings can be a challenge. No one wants to practice and learn skills they feel will never be used. In these situations, visualization and "what-if" discussions can keep employees engaged, especially by looking at current news stories and case studies that mirror a similar operational setting. After-action reviews of incidents are a must for every agency, and every member should bring suggestions to the table for making improvements. Most importantly, there should be an implementation plan in place for any improvements or suggestions after the review.
Unexpected incidents, and even large-scale planned events, tend to draw an extraordinary public safety presence. The overall response to Columbine included more than 600 police, fire and EMS personnel from 35 different local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and 11 fire and EMS agencies. Whether the incident is a natural disaster, active-shooter situation or planned event, there will be challenges regarding interoperability, staging, logistics and personnel management. National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) concepts should be incorporated in every agency's training and response plans. Much of NIMS and ICS training is online and free -- it should not be overlooked as a valuable resource to help ensure that as a profession, we are moving toward standardizing our response.
Two key questions based on basic ICS principles will help even the greenest telecommunicator maintain some semblance of order during the initial response phase of an expanding incident: "Who is in command?" and "Where is the command post?" If the telecommunicator demonstrates a firm understanding of incident management in the earliest stages of the response, it will help the first responders focus on managing the incident and prioritizing response.
Career Development with APCO Resources: Standards, Training & Educational Opportunities
Taken from Public Safety Communications Magazine, December 2013
Written by Debbie Gailbreath, supervisor of the Professional Development Unit for the Sarasota (Fla) County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Communications Center. She is a member of the APCO Standards Development Committee, an adjunct instructor and an APCO Life Member.
Public safety communications is a profession in which maintaining a high skill level is vitally important. Just as important is taking advantage of skill enhancement and career advancement opportunities. Obtaining the knowledge, skills and abilities for personal development and career advancement opportunities is essential to our success.
So here are some questions for you to consider: Where do I want to go? What qualifications, skills, competencies and support do I need to get there? What actions can I take to achieve my career goals?
Creating a plan is an important first step. Review your personal history of accomplishments. Consider your interests and passions, your strengths and your weaknesses. Define your objectives. What are your goals and aspirations? Some may be short term while others are long-term. What performance targets are you interested in? Are you interested in pursuing training, leadership, supervising staff, managing projects or managing programs? What new knowledge, skills and abilities do you need?
Next, identify resources that will help you attain these goals. Figure out what training and education is available and who can help you reach those goals. Finally, establish a timeline and targeted completion date.
There are several APCO public safety communications standards that can assist you at various steps in your career -- whether you're interested in improving your current skills or in learning new skills. These standards provide best practices and recommendations for training requirements, job tasks and job descriptions for the employee, and identify agency responsibilities to assist employees in meeting the standards.
Here are a few of the standards:
Institute classes are available online or in the classroom. Some courses related to the standards noted above include: Public Safety Telecommunicator, Public Safety Instructor, Communications Training Officer, Communications Center Supervisor, Public Safety Communications Staffing and Employee Retention and Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Communications Accreditation Manager.
Also available is the Institute's Leadership Certificate Program, a 12-month online program leading to the professional designation of Registered Public-Safety Leader (RPL). Training components of this course include communications skills, building and enhancing team performance, leading with confidence and integrity, and interpersonal negotiations.
The Institute offers several continuing education options including articles and tests in Public Safety Communications magazine, webinars, video training series and monthly online instructor-led training through the Illuminations program. Complete information on all the institute has to offer can be found at http://apcointl.org/training-and-certification.html.
Finding a mentor is also essential to professional development. Establishing a professional relationship with a more experienced or knowledgeable person helps guide, educate and challenge us. Joining an APCO committee is a great way to learn about what's going on in our industry and meet professional peers. Current existing committees that may be of interest to you include 9-1-1 Emergency Technologies, Communications Center Standards, Member and Chapter Services, and Professional Communication Human Resources (Pro-CHRT). More information about committees can be found at http://apcointl.org/apco-membership.html
Whether you are new to the public safety communications family or are a seasoned veteran, there's always something new to learn, or skills that need to be refreshed. Your professional development benefits the community, your agency and your own personal growth. I encourage you to take a look at the APCO standards and the many training and educational opportunities offered by the Institute. When committee applications are open next year, submit an application to join. Get involved in your profession and your career development!
All APCO standards are available for download at http://apcointl.org/standards.html
Written by Debbie Gailbreath, supervisor of the Professional Development Unit for the Sarasota (Fla) County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Communications Center. She is a member of the APCO Standards Development Committee, an adjunct instructor and an APCO Life Member.
Public safety communications is a profession in which maintaining a high skill level is vitally important. Just as important is taking advantage of skill enhancement and career advancement opportunities. Obtaining the knowledge, skills and abilities for personal development and career advancement opportunities is essential to our success.
So here are some questions for you to consider: Where do I want to go? What qualifications, skills, competencies and support do I need to get there? What actions can I take to achieve my career goals?
Creating a plan is an important first step. Review your personal history of accomplishments. Consider your interests and passions, your strengths and your weaknesses. Define your objectives. What are your goals and aspirations? Some may be short term while others are long-term. What performance targets are you interested in? Are you interested in pursuing training, leadership, supervising staff, managing projects or managing programs? What new knowledge, skills and abilities do you need?
Next, identify resources that will help you attain these goals. Figure out what training and education is available and who can help you reach those goals. Finally, establish a timeline and targeted completion date.
There are several APCO public safety communications standards that can assist you at various steps in your career -- whether you're interested in improving your current skills or in learning new skills. These standards provide best practices and recommendations for training requirements, job tasks and job descriptions for the employee, and identify agency responsibilities to assist employees in meeting the standards.
Here are a few of the standards:
- Minimum Traning Standards for Public Safety Telecommunicators: This standard identifies minimum training requirements for both new and veteran public safety telecommunicators who are tasked with receiving, processing, transmitting and conveying public safety information to dispatchers, law enforcement officers, firefighters and other emergency personnel.
- Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Communications Training Officer (CTO): This standard identifies the minimum training requirements for all personnel assigned to providing on-the-job training to relecommunicators, as well as to promote the leadership role of the CTO.
- Core Competencies and Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Communications Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE): This standard defines the responsibilities of the QAE for planning, developing, coordinating, implementing and administering an agency quality assurance program.
- Core Competencies and Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Training Coordinator: This standard defines the responsibilities for the employee charged with facilitating a public safety communications training program. Knowledge and skills identified include adult learning principles, instructional design and curriculum development, instructional techniques, records management and the agency's CTO program.
- Core Competencies and Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Communications Supervisor: This standard identifies the requirements for managing daily operations, performing administrative duties and maintaining employee relations. This position provides leadership and guidance to employees in order to achieve the agency's mission, while providing service to the public and emergency responders.
- Core Competencies for Public Safety Communications Manager/Director: This standard identifies the knowledge, skills, traits and attributes required for this high-level position. Competencies focus on the agency's vision, strategic development, fostering effective working relationships, motivating employees and implementing change, as needed.
Institute classes are available online or in the classroom. Some courses related to the standards noted above include: Public Safety Telecommunicator, Public Safety Instructor, Communications Training Officer, Communications Center Supervisor, Public Safety Communications Staffing and Employee Retention and Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Communications Accreditation Manager.
Also available is the Institute's Leadership Certificate Program, a 12-month online program leading to the professional designation of Registered Public-Safety Leader (RPL). Training components of this course include communications skills, building and enhancing team performance, leading with confidence and integrity, and interpersonal negotiations.
The Institute offers several continuing education options including articles and tests in Public Safety Communications magazine, webinars, video training series and monthly online instructor-led training through the Illuminations program. Complete information on all the institute has to offer can be found at http://apcointl.org/training-and-certification.html.
Finding a mentor is also essential to professional development. Establishing a professional relationship with a more experienced or knowledgeable person helps guide, educate and challenge us. Joining an APCO committee is a great way to learn about what's going on in our industry and meet professional peers. Current existing committees that may be of interest to you include 9-1-1 Emergency Technologies, Communications Center Standards, Member and Chapter Services, and Professional Communication Human Resources (Pro-CHRT). More information about committees can be found at http://apcointl.org/apco-membership.html
Whether you are new to the public safety communications family or are a seasoned veteran, there's always something new to learn, or skills that need to be refreshed. Your professional development benefits the community, your agency and your own personal growth. I encourage you to take a look at the APCO standards and the many training and educational opportunities offered by the Institute. When committee applications are open next year, submit an application to join. Get involved in your profession and your career development!
All APCO standards are available for download at http://apcointl.org/standards.html
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